Ready to join one of the most exclusive clubs in NYC?
Sign up today and get 15% off all bookings Monday to Thursday - with no limit to group size. We'll even throw in a complimentary appetizer on your first visit. So, what are you waiting for?
On arrival, the diner will need to show their ID card alongside their personal virtual Tribe card (received via email). Your tribe card is valid between Monday - Thursday only for both lunch and dinner service. Per visit, the owner and an unlimited number of guests are entitled to 15% off their total bill. On your first visit after signing up, you are entitled to a complimentary appetizer of your choice. One per person. Only valid for cardholders. Each virtual card is unlimited in its monthly use. Each card is valid for one year only. Prior booking is necessary. Only valid in Burger & Lobster New York restaurants. Brought to you by Burger & Lobster Restaurant Group Lt. Please direct any questions or queries to